From skwigg's journal:
I had two dozen cookies out on cooling racks, I ate one warm and fresh, set aside two for my husband, and froze the rest. I had planned to have a piece of cake after dinner but didn't want it because I was completely satisfied and no longer interested. I know I can have cake tomorrow, and the day after that, and next week, and I can make more cakes. The casual cake abundance + satisfied stomach make it possible to genuinely not want any cake right now.
If this had been my cheat day on some diet...
If cake were forbidden and super exciting...
If I felt anxious and guilty about eating cake...
If I were starting a new cake-free food plan next week...
If I'd looked at my weight this morning and it had been either up or down...
If I'd compared myself to swimsuit models and healthy living bloggers on social media today...
If I'd been overly hungry or deprived of fun...
If I'd had a terrible or wonderful day and didn't know how to process those emotions...
OMG, I'd have eaten SO MUCH CAKE, no matter how full I was or how terrible it made me feel later. Now's my chance! I deserve it! I'll do better tomorrow!
A restrictive mindset makes for some really irrational thinking.
Right now, my thought is that I'm looking forward to watching Netflix all evening. No concerns about weight or cake. Staying out of the cake is not (as I had imagined) because of willpower or motivation. Both of those are fleeting and craptastic. Satisfaction, freedom, flexibility, creativity, joy, those make a real difference in both our inner world and our resulting behaviors.