From skwigg's journal:
You may recall that my first and many subsequent runs at intuitive eating or non-dieting failed spectacularly and left me bitter about it for a decade or so. :-) What I wasn't really grasping even though my eyes read the words was that I was still in a very restrictive mindset even though I was overeating. In my mind this was a temporary experiment. It probably wouldn't work and I'd probably have to go back to dieting soon. I told myself that I'm not like other people. I can't really be trusted. I still want to be and look lean and fit. I can't "not care" about how I look or what I I'd better eat all of this food right now while I'm off my leash. That mindset poisoned my efforts and kept me going back and forth.
What I realize now is that restriction, obsessive tracking, overeating, and binge eating have everything in common. They are all instances where we completely ignore or abuse what our own body is telling us. So, one can't solve the other.