"If I move more, I should eat more." is a false "should." It's the flip side of "If I move less, I should eat less." Either way, you're shoulding yourself with diet rules instead of honoring actual physical hunger, which varies quite a bit with no relation to activity. You may be able to diet-logic food intake for awhile with ok results, but then stress, sleep, hormones, or last week's food choices will cause your body to disagree. Then you'll be tempted to doubt, ignore, or overrule what your body is saying when it's right and you're crazy. Ask me how I know this? LOL I went around and around that circle myself.
If you can eat meals to appetite on a somewhat predictable schedule, it doesn't matter what your activity level is, or how much you slept last night, or what kind of wild hormone swings you experience, your body will still clearly tell you "Now I'm hungry, now I'm not. This was a satisfying portion. This was too much or too little." I had to rely on the flexible template / reverse engineering approach to dial that in, because I can't (or couldn't at the time) judge hunger and fullness well in the moment. That system (habits, skills, whatever you want to call it) helped me to finally completely unlink from intake/output type thinking.