Hi all. Just wanting to try a new protein powder. I know they can be used as a 'diet' food but I genuinely like to use PP in my smoothies to give me extra protein and make them more filling.
Looking for recommendations of brands that other enjoy.....? I don't like stevia aftertaste and prefer a whey protein without all the extras in it like green tea and vitamins and strange frankenfurter ingredients.
Hey sunshine! No, there’s no reason at all! That’s a great idea!! 🤗
Any reason you can't use Greek Yogurt or Cottage Cheese in your smoothies?
Interesting about the ACV - I'm gonna try it! Don't think I can risk the green tea though - I'm a super sensitive caffeine person. Yeah I always do the zucchini... the watermelon was nice....very refreshing. I think it would be nice with mint in there too.
The apple cider vinegar can make the whole thing undrinkable if you overpour. Just a splash works great though, not too vinegary. It’s a hint of that fruity fermented flavor like kombucha. I was afraid I’d be super buzzed or that it would affect my sleep if I ate tea leaves, but I don’t notice a difference in energy or sleep quality, even if I have it at night. Zucchini and watermelon would be great in a smoothie!
Yeah the vegetable protein powders/vegan ones are so gritty and horrible. I really only like the whey ones. WOW Skwigg you are the master of cramming so much goodness into one smoothie! The nuts must make a nice creaminess...
I am having one now as I type this... it is so hot here so it is really cold and refreshing. This one doesn't have PP in it (as I have run out - hence above post) and it is not too bad without it. Mine has - spinach, flax meal, coffee, water, green superfood powder, zucchini, watermelon, avocado and banana.
Does the ACV make it taste vinegary? That whole sachet of green tea must really give you a kick??!! You're eating the eaves instead of liquid they've steeped in.....
Keeping with the plant theme, I used to put vegetarin protein powder in my green smoothies, like Sun Warrior. For me, I realized they taste better and are just as satisfying without it. Plus, the cost per serving plummets.
My current smoothie concoction is: All-Bran cereal (like half a cup), a banana, a couple tablespoons of ground flaxseeds, cinnamon, a handful of walnuts, carrots, blueberries, Brussels sprouts, mango, pineapple, spinach, kale, beet powder, the contents of a torn open green tea bag, a splash of apple cider vinegar, and warm water because most of those contents are frozen and I don’t want brain freeze. It’s super thick and weirdly yummy.
If I’m having my smoothie as part of a meal, I’ll make a less filling version by easing up on the bran and nuts. If I need an even more filling version, I add an avocado or olive oil.
Yes you definitely have to add stuff to it. My smoothies are kinda like yours Skwigg but I add protein powder.
Ok interesting about the Jay Robb calls. Not sure if I can get it here but I’ll look online.
I use Jay Robb Egg White due to whey allergy, and is super tasty!
I don’t use protein powder myself, but the shakes my husband makes with Jay Robb grass-fed whey protein are extremely tasty. There’s no aftertaste at all, I suspect because he adds other sweet ingredients like banana, peanut butter, and chocolate almond milk. That’s the way to do it, apparently. I remember making lumpy protein shakes in a shaker bottle with room-temp tap water and, wow! The thought of it still gags me.