Anyone read it? It doesn't feel like her voice, maybe it was mostly written by her co-author?
Some good bodyweight workouts, and the stuff about her life and fitness journey was interesting. I would have liked more about that, actually. Her nutrition stuff strikes me as totally out there. Carb-phobic, and this weird idea of workout-earned meals (?!) Thoughts?
I remember reading it years ago. Her nutrition advice has always been slightly whack, but especially back then. She’s since had some kind of nutrition education and understands that it’s not one-size-fits-all. Yet, she was still keto last I checked, and recommending that sweetener that causes heart attacks and strokes, so yeah. I ignore her nutrition advice completely. The workout-earned meals idea is phenomenally stupid too. LOL But I love her workouts, the video ones. I could never get into the ones from the book because they were so boring without her.