After haphazardly doing whatever on YouTube for a few years (I alternate upper, lower, total, and core), I think I want to do an actual progressive program. I don't know if a program that fits my requirements exists, but if you know of anything, I'd love to hear about it!
1) Must not require gym machines or kettlebells. I don't have those. I have dumbbells and resistance bands (but prefer dumbbells)
2) No ebooks! I get really annoyed with those and would rather follow a video.
3) Ideally workouts should be 30 min or less. If they are longer than that, it will likely not be sustainable for me.
Basically, I am looking for something a bit more organized and progressive that will challenge my strength level, but I don't want workouts to be to long or 6 days per week. Any thoughts? Does something like that exist?
I just had a thought: has anyone ever tried Zuzka's Bunny Slope series (it's free) heavier? Maybe that's a good place to start.
I used to do the Lift with Sohee program ( where you could do a 3 or 4 day split that offered both an at-home and gym version. You kept the same workout for a month with a focus on progressive overload, but her workouts always took me about 45 mins. I switched over to RISE ( primarily because I wanted something that incorporated mobility, power, agility AND strength and I love it! I started following Jason and Lauren Pak on IG and their take on fitness in general is sound and sane (IMHO). I do the 4 day version, but there is a "RISE Lite" that is a 3 day version and can be done at home. I think a lot of people do the home version, but I've never delved into it because I've only ever done the 4 day gym one. I love that every day is full body of some sort that starts off mobility warm-ups proceeded by some sort of power move (that can be easily modified to suit your fitness levels/abilities) before delving into strength. They provide TONS of options and alternatives if you don't have specific equipment. Again though, the workouts always take me 45-60 mins depending on the day, how much time I spend on mobility, resting between supersets, etc.
I don't know if that helps much, but I thought I'd throw out my two cents. Actually, here's my third cent that piggybacks on what @skwiggs already mentioned. If you're looking for well-rounded, balanced workouts that incorporate mobility, strength, power, stretching, etc, with various options and take 30 mins or less than Zuzka is probably your best bet. Granted, I don't have much to compare her to other than Sohee and Jason & Lauren and I haven't checked out anything Zuzka-related in a while, but her approach always seemed pretty balanced.
I've been thinking about this. It has been awhile since I've followed someone else's strength program. The best ones I've done are from book books, not e-books, like The New Rules of Lifting series. ZGYM had progressive workout schedules with follow-along videos. I'm sure others do too. I think @Hayley has bought some programs more recently.
Do any of your favorite YouTubers sell workout programs? I'm thinking of people like Natacha Oceane who have app-based programs with progressive routines.
A quick googling found this:
There are also subscription-based workout programs from companies like Fitbit, Apple Fitness, Nike, and Peloton.