After having painful, all-consuming body image issues most of my life, I don't really have them anymore. It's not what I imagined though. I imagined that I had to learn to love every jiggle and roll, feel super confident and enthusiastic about my weight no matter what, be like a pro-fat cheerleader. That's not it. I don't think about it anymore. I don't worry about it. I'm neutral. If it comes up at all, I'm grateful for my health. I'm grateful for what my body can do. But I'm not posting lovingly about my cellulite and stretch marks on Instagram. I'm not talking about body positivity and body acceptance all day. I don't think about it. I have other things going on. Developing some other interests was probably the biggest help of all. Oh, and getting off of Facebook and Instagram. I had tried heavily editing my feeds to only body positive, weight neutral, health at every size kind of messages, but that still had me thinking about food, weight and bodies ALL the time. I got rid of those accounts and then it was friends and family posting swimsuit "progress" photos, and all about their new diets, and judgment about other people's bodies. I'm out! I'm happier and healthier when I don't scroll through other people's issues all day. I follow some fun dog accounts on Twitter. 🐕🐶
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