From skwigg's journal:
Your weight is not the main issue. It's a side-effect of the way you live and the way you think about yourself and food. Don't look for feedback only on the scale.
How to know if your approach is working:
You enjoy your food and feel good throughout the day.
You feel some gentle, pleasant hunger before most meals.
You feel good before, during, and after eating, and before bed.
You're satisfied and not thinking about food for many hours after you eat.
You have plenty of energy and don't crash or feel shaky and hungry.
You have things other than food that interest and occupy you throughout the day.
You enjoy socializing and can roll with changes to your routine.
You allow things to naturally balance out. Eating more now means it may be longer before you're hungry again. No big deal!
I'm sure you could add many more. Imagine you have this food thing all worked out. What does your day look like? How do you feel? What do you eat? What do you think? Move toward the way you want to feel and be. If you are feeling positive, proud, and happy each day, you're on track. If you're uncomfortably full, disappointed and negative, or hungry, anxious and guilty, THAT is what needs addressing, both the feeling and the behavior that fuels it. If you're only looking at calories and scale weight, you're missing all of those much more important issues.