From skwigg's journal:
My habit to weight ratio is intriguing to me. I changed a couple of habits (the dessert thing, the intuitive eating thing), and my weight gradually fell to the bottom of my happy range and just sits there nicely. I did not do anything restrictive or stressful to push it lower, so I don't feel like it's a stretch or struggle. I also realize that the whole weight thing doesn't work like I once thought it did. Diet lore tells you that if you eat less, you'll just keep losing, or that if you eat more, you'll gain, maybe indefinitely. But it's more like this set of habits supports this weight. That set of habits supports that weight. There's nothing wrong with either one. Whichever set of habits you enjoy the most and engage in most consistently produces the "best" weight/lifestyle for you at the time. Situations change. Priorities change. People change. We're never stuck with a "from now on" set of circumstances or behaviors. We can always choose how to approach it.