Other people don't need to understand your food choices in order for you to be happy and fine. When they comment on your ice cream sandwiches, that’s about them not you. It’s an expression of their fears, biases, good intentions, internalized diet dogma, love for you, all the messy and confusing stuff going on in their own heads, that they are honestly probably not analyzing at all. They just say whatever thought they're having right now, which in no way determines how much ice cream you should or shouldn’t eat.
I feel like I wasted a lot of time seeking other people’s approval for how I eat, or trying to convert them to my way of thinking. If someone thinks I eat too much candy or not enough protein, that’s nice for them. LOL They can think whatever they want. Their thoughts aren’t my problem. Though, I do understand that if someone else blurts out one of my own fears, my initial impulse will be to go, “OMG! It’s true! I knew it!” The challenge then is to step back and see that even if their fears and my fears are high-fiving, that doesn’t mean any of it is real, or that I need to change what I eat or how I feel about myself. Someone else’s fears can’t possibly know how hungry I am right now or what kind of food I need.