How do you think about or use the scale? Personally, I forget about it, or ignore it for months, or use it occasionally, or daily. I basically don't worry about it at all. Whatever feels right that day is fine, which I find easier than all the declarations I used to make about smashing it, not being allowed to go near it, or only using it on a predetermined schedule. I kind of did the same thing with food. Normalize, habituate, get bored, don't assign meaning. For me, that's the middle ground between obsess and forbid. Vowing not to do something only makes me want to do it right now. LOL
I do understand that some people find it really helpful or necessary not to weigh at all. I'm curious what you see as the pros and cons.
I’m terrified of the scale, that one number has meant so much in the past. Now when I go to the doctors office and they weigh me, I close my eyes and tell them to please not tell me. The funny thing is that now our weights are written in bold on our visit summary sheets they print out and give you when you leave and I sometimes accidentally see the number! I weighed myself at home a month or two ago because I was concerned about how much weight I’d lost and it was much more than I’d realized-i know I should check and monitor but there is just still too much judgement tied to that simple number.