Has anyone been on the pill/patch/ring/shot/Mirena IUD for 10 years or more and then gone off? Experiences? @skwiggs I think you said you did that recently?
I had absolutely hellish periods and a few ovarian cysts, went on the pill for about 7-8 years, had lots of breakthrough and other side effects, went off for about 1.5 years and it was AWFUL, tried a few other brands of pills (same problems), then tried Nuvaring and stuck with it. I've been on Nuvaring for about 11 years, zero problems. Now starting to have breakthrough bleeding and sometimes irritation. This may be because I am 40 and my hormones are changing?
No one seems to know how long is "safe" to stay on hormonal bc, and there is very little data on Nuvaring since it came out in 2001.
Since strokes run in my family, I am worried about my increased risk by being on the ring. I also don't like that it increases risk of certain cancers, blood clots, liver/gallbladder problems, etc. I also don't want to go back to period hell, so I am not sure what to do. I mean, menopause could be like 15 years away for me. My family doctor doesn't consider herself a bc expert, so she referred me to a gyn who I felt was extremely dismissive of my concerns. My ultrasound was normal, so I don't know what's going on with me and the ring?
Thoughts/experiences? TIA!
That's really helpful, thanks! It is going to take some time to shop around to find a good doctor, but I'll get on that this week.