I am not really sure if people still talk about food on here or not but I feel like journaling about it so I hope it’s OK.
I was about to start IVF injections with my period at the end of November but my period never came. I took a pregnancy test incredulous and it was indeed positive. Since I already experienced a miscarriage I have been extremely anxious and I have a scan today so hopefully everything is (still) fine.
Meanwhile, as I have been wanting this pregnancy so much and I am feeling incredibly lucky, I have decided to really make changes to my eating. For the past 6 months or so, when I was “preparing” for IVF, I was following my dietitian’s meal plan. It was higher calories than I have ever eaten, and extremely balanced in terms of protein – carbs – fats. However, it was a bit strict, or rather, I was being very strict with it. No sugar, no refined carbs, no alcohol, basically I cut out everything that I read somewhere was not optimal for fertility and hormone balance. I was super careful not to spike my blood sugar and included protein in every single meal/ snack. However, when I started feeling morning sickness, everything went out the window. Suddenly I cannot stomach most proteins (meat, fish, eggs) and all I want is carbs, cheese, and sugar. I am also very hungry. Essentially, as soon as my stomach starts emptying I feel sick. In my first pregnancy I had been so strict with myself trying not to gain “too much” weight so in the first trimester I “cheated” the hunger/nausea by eating sugar free hard candy all day (which made me feel even more awful). So this time around, I wanted things to be different. I have been really making an effort to listen to my body and give in to what I want. So I stopped forcing myself to have protein in everything, and have been living off of pasta, bread, cheese, chocolate and pizza for the past month. I have no idea how much weight I have gained. During my first gynecologist visit I had already gained 1 kg at 7 weeks of pregnancy but I am trying really hard not to let myself get triggered by those weigh ins. I actually thought about asking the doctor not to tell me my weight, but maybe I should just learn to face my fears and accept the weight gain because it’s normal and it’s for a good cause.
I also read “intuitive eating” again and I am reading “Unapologetic eating” which is similar. I really want to focus on eating intuitively, without turning it into the “hunger fullness diet”. Some successes I had these past few weeks:
* I have been allowing myself to drink “empty calories” (mainly fruit juice and hot cocoa) because water makes me sick
* I have been allowing myself to have meals with zero protein
* I have allowed myself to eat a big portion of something I want (even though it was a bit more than perfect fullness level)
* Peanut butter without weighing/ measuring
* Croissant at work when I wasn’t hungry, just because my colleague brought pastries
* Dessert after every meal
* A sweet, high carb breakfast with no protein. I am hungry sooner but I don’t really care, I just eat whenever I get hungry again.
My pants are already tight, but I am avoiding body checking in the mirror etc. I have also been resting a lot because I am exhausted, so no workouts for the past 2 weeks (while on holidays) and no forcing myself to be active or anything. I also did not go skiing with my husband although skiing is my favorite thing to do in winter. I skied until 34-35 weeks when I was pregnant with my son, but this time I am so so scared. I have to admit though, I felt a bit like a slob on the days when everybody went skiing except me and then we all had raclette, like I didn’t “deserve” my raclette like they did. BUT I did not let that stop me from eating my raclette and having a decent portion.
So basically, I really want to take the opportunity to heal my relationship with food this 2025. I think I have been in “quasi recovery” for a very long time and now I want to take it to the next level.